Brett Boon
Brett has more than 35 years' experience in gaming, liquor and registered clubs' law. He leads the firm's Gaming & Leisure Group which consists of a number of specialist practitioners.
Brett has acted on a diverse range of regulatory, commercial and property matters for registered clubs and industry associations in New South Wales (NSW). His clients include a large range of registered clubs and peak industry bodies such as ClubsNSW, the RSL and Services Clubs Association and Leagues Clubs Australia.
Brett advises on a broad range of matters including gaming, liquor and registered club regulation, amalgamations and de-amalgamations, commercial arrangements and major property development projects.
Brett regularly speaks at club industry conferences on important issues concerning the industry. Brett was appointed by ClubsNSW to the industry's peak governance body, the Code Authority. The Authority administers the Code of Conduct for registered clubs in NSW and hears and determines complaints made under the Code. Brett continues to be a sitting member of the Authority.
Brett was also appointed in 2023 by ClubsNSW to its Gaming Code of Conduct Panel which oversees the implementation of the Gaming Code of Practice which became mandatory for all ClubsNSW member Clubs from 1 July 2023.
Brett has been recognised I Chambers Asia Pacific as a Leading Lawyer for Gaming and Gambling (2016-2024) in the Asia Pacific Region, and by Best Lawyers in Australia (2019 – 2022) as a Leading Lawyer in Gaming Law (2019-2022), Australia.